music management agency
music management agency
music management agency

Gold Record
music management agency

record company, music management, concert booking, PR
Data protection

Who we are

Our company´s name is: Gold Record Music Kft.
Headquarters: 1122 Budapest, Határőr út 58.
Phone: +361-214-9069
Fax: 489-0742

What are the personal data we collect and the purpose for which we collect them


The following details are requested for full service in case of orders from our webshop:

Billing Information: billing name, address

Transportation Data Required: Delivery name, address

Contact information: Phone number, e-mail address

These personal information is required to conclude a contract with the order, to issue the price fees and invoices for the ordered products, and to deliver the ordered products to our customers. You may also use the email addresses provided for newsletter and offer communication.

The data provided here is handled by all our employees, so that our customers can be informed and serviced as quickly as possible. In addition to our staff, we have access to these data to all contracted partners whose products are sold on our site and also to those who carry out services in our company (e.g. the respective contracted Our courier service partner).

Data storage is stored in a closed system in the back-up of our website and in the cloud-based service used by our company. Access to the admin permission and password is required.

Gold Record Music Ltd. does not have its own servers.

Hosting provider

Name: Höltzl Péter EV
Headquarters: 1221 Budapest, Vihar u. 5/c
Commercial register Number: EV: 1884863
Tax Number: 62543855-1-43

Merchandise provider:

Name: Sporteex Marketing Kft.
Headquarters: 1095 Budapest Soroksári út 110.-112.
Tax Number: 28974336-2-43
Company registration number:01-09-378047
Bank: HU44 12010635-01856609-00100006
Registry Court: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága
Data Management Registration ID: NAIH-107505/2016
Phone: +36 1 785 0067
CEO: Barthos Zoltán

For transport:

Fáma First Ltd.
1194 Budapest, Viola U. 38. A
Postal address: 1183 Budapest, Obstacle U. 15.
Tax Number: 11678526-2-43
A. Fahad

as well as in the

GLS General Logistics Systems Hungary-Logistics Ltd.
2351 Alsónema
GLS Europe U. 2.
Tax Number: 12369410-1-44

For accounting purposes:

Name: Viczián Katalin ev.
Headquarters: 1112 Budapest, Menylet utca 23/32

For payment by credit card:

PayPal (Europe) S.À.R.L. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg

Name: Barion Payment Zrt.
Headquarters: 1117 Budapest, Infopark sétány 1. I. épület 5. emelet 5.
Registry Courtg: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága
Company registration number: Cg. 01-10-048552
Tax number: 25353192-2-43
Communal tax number: HU25353192
Activity license number: H-EN-I-1064/2013
Electronic Payment Identifier: 25353192
CEO: Kiss Sándor

For billing purposes: Kft. (Headquarter: 1031 Budapest, Záony utca 7.)


When submitting a post, in addition to what you specified in the posting form, the commentator´s IP address and the browser identification string are collected to filter out unwanted content.

An impersonated email string (called a hashtag) is sent to the Gravatar service, if it is in use on the site. The terms of Gravatar service are available on the following address: After accepting the post, our post content and profile image will be displayed publicly.


If you upload a picture to the website by registered user, you should avoid EXIF images that contain GPS position data. Visitors to the website can download and extract the location information from the images on this site.

Contact forms

On our website there are contact forms to ask for the visitor´s name and email address for contact purposes only. The data provided here is stored in our e-mail system until consent is revoked.


After writing a post on the website you entered the name, email and web address cookies. Storage is for convenience only so that you don´t have to fill it out automatically when you next post. Cookies expire at 1 year.

If you have a user account and are logged on to this site, we will set up temporary cookies in order to determine if the browser accepts cookies. These cookies do not contain any personal information and are deleted as you close your browser.

When you log in to the website, you create several cookies, which saves login information and the Edit interface display options. Login cookies are valid for two days, the cookie that stores the editing interface display options for one year. If you select the "Remember Me" option, login will continue for two weeks. When you log off, the logon cookies are removed.

If you edit an entry or page, a new cookie is stored in your browser. This cookie doesn´t contain any personal information, it simply stores the ID number of the entry you´ve edited. A day or so expires.

Embedded content from other websites

The entries available on this website can use embedded content from external sources (e.g. videos, pictures, articles, etc.). Embedded content from an external source can behave exactly as if you visited another website.

These sites may collect information about visitors, cookies, or third-party tracking code, monitor the user behavior of the embedded content if you have a user account and are Logged in to the page.

How long do we keep personal information

If you leave a comment, the post and its metadata will remain in the system for an undefinable period of time. The purpose of this is to make all subsequent posts known and approved by us, so don´t add them to a moderated list.

Personal data of users registered on the site (if any) will also be stored in their own user profile. All users can view, edit or delete their personal information at any time (except that they cannot change their own username). The administrators of this website may also view and edit this information.

What rights does the user have for his/her own data

When writing an account or a post on a website, you may be asked to send your personal information in an export file, which contains any information you have provided to the user previously. You can also request that any personal information you have entered has been deleted. This does not apply to data that is required for administrative, legal or security reasons.

Where to transfer the data

The automatic spamfilter feature can be used to verify contributions submitted by visitors.

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